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Here are some of the more notable Mensa political conflicts which have occurred:
Here are some of the more notable Mensa political conflicts which have occurred:
* In the 1960s, [[Sander Rubin]] led a fight against [[American Mensa]] chairman [[John Codella]], who he accused of favoring "secrecy and insularity" with the [[American Mensa Committee]] meeting in closed-door meetings in the New York area.  Rubin eventually became treasurer and then chairman, and the AMC process was opened up considerably.
* In the 1960s, [[Sander Rubin]] led a fight against [[American Mensa]] chairman [[John Codella]], whom he accused of favoring "secrecy and insularity" with the [[American Mensa Committee]] meeting in closed-door meetings in the New York area.  Rubin eventually became treasurer and then chairman, and the AMC process was opened up considerably.
* In 1982, a new [[Constitution of Mensa]] was adopted, amid lots of fighting at the international level whereby several national Mensa groups produced differing drafts of proposed constitutions to replace the old one.  Nearly everybody agreed that the previous constitution, under which national groups each had exactly one vote in international Mensa regardless of how large or small they were, was in need of reform, but there was strong division about exactly how this was to be changed, with many countries concerned about the likely dominance of [[American Mensa]], which then had over 80% of the membership, in any population-based scheme.  Critics to this day, most notably [[Sander Rubin]], continue to regard the 1982 constitution, with its complex structure of multiple Mensa organizations, to be a mistake.
* In 1982, a new [[Constitution of Mensa]] was adopted, amid lots of fighting at the international level whereby several national Mensa groups produced differing drafts of proposed constitutions to replace the old one.  Nearly everybody agreed that the previous constitution, under which national groups each had exactly one vote in international Mensa regardless of how large or small they were, was in need of reform, but there was strong division about exactly how this was to be changed, with many countries concerned about the likely dominance of [[American Mensa]], which then had over 80% of the membership, in any population-based scheme.  Critics to this day, most notably [[Sander Rubin]], continue to regard the 1982 constitution, with its complex structure of multiple Mensa organizations, to be a mistake.

Revision as of 06:59, 11 August 2007

Mensa politics is the inevitable result of there being an organization full of people with strong and sometimes conflicting opinions about how to run it. It has been likened to academic politics, for which allegedly "the conflicts are so fierce because the stakes are so low". It has also been said that if you get 10 Mensans together, you'll have at least 12 different opinions, and that leading Mensans is like herding cats. Several online forums exist to discuss Mensa politics, including M-Grapevine and M-Pol (both unofficial), as well as more official forums within national and local Mensa Web sites.

From time to time, a particular conflict will attract widespread interest among Mensans, including a flurry of discussion in the online forums, or, in earlier days before most people were online, a heap of paper mailings by various parties to and observers of the conflict. At times, people involved in conflicts would sometimes prepare and mail thick packets of documentation at their own expense to others they thought might be taking interest. Nowadays, e-mail lists and Web sites make the dissemination of such things much easier. While most conflicts eventually burn themselves out after a while due to everybody being tired of talking and hearing about them, there are some that flare up time and time again as topics of discussion, even years later.

Here are some of the more notable Mensa political conflicts which have occurred:

  • In the 1960s, Sander Rubin led a fight against American Mensa chairman John Codella, whom he accused of favoring "secrecy and insularity" with the American Mensa Committee meeting in closed-door meetings in the New York area. Rubin eventually became treasurer and then chairman, and the AMC process was opened up considerably.
  • In 1982, a new Constitution of Mensa was adopted, amid lots of fighting at the international level whereby several national Mensa groups produced differing drafts of proposed constitutions to replace the old one. Nearly everybody agreed that the previous constitution, under which national groups each had exactly one vote in international Mensa regardless of how large or small they were, was in need of reform, but there was strong division about exactly how this was to be changed, with many countries concerned about the likely dominance of American Mensa, which then had over 80% of the membership, in any population-based scheme. Critics to this day, most notably Sander Rubin, continue to regard the 1982 constitution, with its complex structure of multiple Mensa organizations, to be a mistake.
  • San Diego Mensa had infighting in the late 1980s centering on Lendon Best, who was seen by opponents (including RVC Robert Tutelman) as overly controlling of the group. This led to a regional hearing at which Best was sanctioned by being barred from further participation in the group, and this precipitated a schism whereby some members who supported Best founded the independent Camelopard Society (also known as the "Giraffes"), which for a time was in competition with the Mensa local group.
  • In April, 1986, Lynne Parcells, then the editor of Western Michigan Mensa's newsletter, Nova, reprinted a piece of propaganda from a white-supremacist group. This was done for the purpose of making people aware of the existence of such groups in order to oppose them, but some members misinterpreted it as promoting, advocating, or advertising the group and its beliefs and were offended that anybody in Mensa would do such a thing. This led to what was sometimes referred to as the "NOVA affair", with some Mensans prominent at the national level taking sides: Rose Lee Crutcher and Harper Fowley in favor of taking action against Parcells, and Ralph Rudolph defending her. Ultimately, Parcells departed the editorship, and later published independent newsletters The Insomniac, Devachan, and Ambiance.
  • Judy Dosse was on the American Mensa Committee as a Regional Vice Coordinator in the late 1980s and early 1990s, and got into some political scuffles there which attracted very strong pro and con views. Subsequently, she was brought up on a long list of charges at a national hearing, and chose to "plead out" after the first day of hearings rather than defend herself by accepting an agreement whereby she was permanently barred from seeking national office. This has been said to make her the only Mensan permanently not a "member in good standing". The agreement also barred the involved parties from ever re-opening the dispute again, which has not stopped it from flaring up on Mensa forums from time to time over the subsequent years.
  • Then-RVC Russ Bakke ordered an issue of the Orange County Mensa newsletter, Oracle, destroyed due to allegedly offensive content. This was an April Fool edition entitled "Fool Frontal Nudity", and much infighting within the group followed.
  • Greater Los Angeles Mensa's newsletter, then called Lament, published some articles under editor Nikki Frey in the November, 1994 issue which seemed to advocate the killing off of people who are less intellectually gifted. Leaked to the outside press, they led to a scandal where some were accusing Mensa of supporting such views, despite the disclaimer on all newsletters that opinions are those of the writer and not Mensa, which has no opinions. A caller to the Rush Limbaugh radio show ripped up his Mensa membership card on the air in protest, and the national office (then in Brooklyn) reported receiving threats of violence. Within Mensa, Frey and others came under criticism for their actions during the controversy, including dealings with the press that allegedly fanned the flames.
  • Carole Bell was elected to Mensa International office as Director of Development in 2001. After a contentious first meeting in this position, held in Geneva, Switzerland, she stayed on for a few more days in the hotel, beyond the time that was paid for by Mensa, and ultimately departed the hotel without paying her bill. International chairman Dave Remine regarded this as bringing disrepute to Mensa, and the international Executive Committee voted to suspend Bell from office pending a full hearing at the next International Board of Directors meeting. Bell claimed that this action was illegal under British corporate law and filed a legal action in Britain about it. She was removed from office at the IBD meeting, and then removed from American Mensa membership by a national hearing (for filing a legal action against Mensa without first exhausting all internal means of redress), but subsequently joined British Mensa due to that group not having a provision permitting it to enforce the international rule against expelled members joining in another country (a situation that has since been changed).
  • American Mensa discovered around 2003 that its last 30 years of internal elections and annual business meetings were technically invalid, since its governing documents failed to authorize mail balloting or allow for any actions to take place without a quorum of a majority of the total membership. This led to the massive ProxyQuest effort to correct this flaw by amending the certificate of incorporation through proxies of over half of the members, an effort which succeeded at the 2004 Annual Business Meeting in Las Vegas.
  • Minnesota Mensa webmaster Al Heigl was removed from this position by the local group's committee after some conflict over the direction of the Web site. He claims that an agreement was subsequently reached for him to retain the position, but there is conflict over exactly what it entailed, and the group ended up appointing a different webmaster. Subsequently, for several years there were two competing Minnesota Mensa sites, one run by Heigl and the other, endorsed by the group as its true official site, by a different webmaster. This led to American Mensa bringing an action before an outside authority (WIPO) in 2005 to get the domain name held by Heigl (minnesotamensa.org) transferred to Mensa, and later a hearing against Heigl that resulted in his expulsion from American Mensa.
  • A 2007 amendment to the Constitution of Mensa, repealing a 2005 amendment which limited candidates for international officer positions to those with past experience on the international board, passed a referendum of the membership but was subsequently ruled by the ombudsman to be invalid because insufficient chance was given for supporters and opponents to prepare statements to be distributed with the ballots.