Boston Mensa

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Boston Mensa is a chapter in Region 1 of American Mensa and covers Boston and Eastern Massachusetts (except most of Bristol County). It goes as far west as Worcester County. The Chapter newsletter is called The Beacon. Every November, they host a Regional Gathering (RG) called the New England Pilgramage Regional Gathering (RG). The upcoming RG is November 20-22, 2009 at the Sheraton Braintree. In May, the chapter hosts an unstructured Mini-RG in Cape Cod over Mother's Day Weekend.

Boston Mensa has an active schedule and regular events include First Friday Lunch on Cape Cod; attending the annual IgNobel Awards; Double Hearts game; an evening of pool and good company at Flat Top Johnny's; and a weekly gathering of the Strategy SIG, an extended group of dedicated game players.

Boston Mensa Officers

  • Al Beecy - LocSec (Local Secretary)
  • Wendy Birchmire - Assistant LocSec
  • Rick Kovalcik - Recording Secretary

External Links