British Mensa

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British Mensa is the official Mensa organisation for the British Isles.

British Mensa currently has around 24,000 members, divided among 13 administrative regions, and is unusual in covering more than one country.

The Republic of Ireland and the British territory of Northern Ireland comprise one region ("Ireland") while the Channel Islands are also outside the United Kingdom and have their own small region. The remainder of the regions are formed by the United Kingdom nations of Scotland, Wales, and the English regions, with the Isle of Man (a British Crown Protectorate which isn't a part of the UK) forming part of the North West England region.

British Mensa Ltd

Its operating company is British Mensa Ltd, which maintains an office in Wolverhampton with 13 staff headed by Chief Executive John Stevenage. BML has a Board of nine voluntary directors each of whom is elected for a three year term. The principal officer posts are selected each year by the Board; currently they are Chairman - Chris Leek, Secretary - Glenys Hopkins, Treasurer - Deborah Theasby.


Individual annual membership costs £45. The membership package includes a monthly 48pp Mensa Magazine, a regional newsletter, and free subscription to two printed SIGs. British Mensa administers its Special Interest Groups centrally, requiring members to pay a small fee for subscriptions beyond the initial two, and printing and posting the volunteer-edited newsletters out to members.


British Mensa is subdivided into thirteen regions, each led by a Regional Officer and having its own monthly regional newsletter.

Regular events

In addition to these, many regional groups and individuals run weekend gatherings.


British Mensa administers around 100 Special Interest Groups, overseen by a volunteer SIGs Officer, including:

  • Academics SIG
  • Adrenalin SIG
  • Americana SIG
  • Animal Welfare SIG
  • Aquarian SIG
  • Art & Literature SIG
  • AstroSIG
  • Aviation SIG
  • Baha'i SIG
  • Business SIG
  • Canal SIG
  • Car SIG
  • Cat SIG
  • Charities SIG
  • Chocolate SIG
  • Christian Forum SIG
  • Classical Music SIG
  • Codes & Ciphers SIG
  • Collectors SIG
  • Competitions SIG
  • Computer SIG
  • Craft SIG
  • Creative Writers SIG
  • Cricket SIG
  • Crime SIG
  • Cymru SIG
  • Design SIG
  • Deutsch SIG
  • Diet SIG
  • Doctor Who SIG
  • Dog SIG
  • Dying In Dignity SIG
  • Ecology SIG
  • Economics SIG
  • Education SIG
  • Evolution SIG
  • Fantasy & Horror SIG
  • Film SIG
  • Football SIG
  • Forum SIG
  • France SIG
  • Gardening SIG
  • Genealogy SIG
  • Health & Fitness SIG
  • Hearing Impaired SIG
  • History SIG
  • Horse SIG
  • Humour SIG
  • Italia SIG
  • Jazz SIG
  • Junior M SIG
  • M-to-M SIG
  • Mathematics SIG
  • Mystics & Scientists SIG
  • Pagan SIG
  • Party SIG
  • Postal Chess SIG
  • Professional Writers SIG
  • Psychology SIG
  • Rambling & Mountaineering SIG
  • Rock SIG
  • Science Fiction SIG
  • Singles SIG
  • Ski SIG
  • Space SIG
  • Transport SIG
  • Travel SIG

See also

Members of British Mensa

External link