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== External link ==
== External link ==
* [http://www.mensa.org/ Official site]
* [http://www.mensa.org/ Official site]
[http://www.hple.com.cn 北京自动门]
[http://www.fcls.cn 房产纠纷]
[http://www.cnlfyh.com 电缆桥架]
[http://www.bjyzcx.com 电脑回收]
[http://www.v-young.cn 有机玻璃制品]
[http://www.taiad.com.cn 陪练]
[http://www.010card.com.cn 会员卡]
[http://wanlidabj.com 机打发票]
[http://www.d-ddd.com 包装公司]
[http://www.huojia699.c 北京货架]
[http://www.luyixuelai.net 礼品盒]
[http://www.jfart.com 再生塑料颗粒机]
[http://www.bj517.com 工商注册]
[http://www.wangyangedu.com 小升初]
[http://www.bjyspw.cn 代开发票]
[http://www.hzst.net.cn Dell服务器]
[http://www.whstwl.com 北京物流]
[http://www.df-shun.com 北京家具公司]
[http://www.keslon.com 电缆桥架]
[http://www.jurdor-oa.com.cn 碎纸机]
[http://www.010card.com.cn 贵宾卡]
[http://www.cmecexpo.com 展览公司]
[http://www.bzbql.cn 不干胶]
[http://www.bj-hz.com 北京装修公司]
[http://www.bjwfby.com 展柜]
[http://www.hzst.net.cn IBM服务器]
[http://www.fp98.com.cn 代开发票]
[http://www.bhzg.cn 圣诞树]
[http://www.jingaoda.com 亚克力]
[http://www.jkchangjiu.cn 劳保用品]
[http://www.tc022.com 电抗器]
[http://www.bjxrhf.cn 五粮液酒]
[http://www.fcls.cn 房产律师]
[http://www.x8x.org.cn 北京搬家]
[http://www.tltservice.com.cn kvm]
[[Category:Official Mensa organizations]]
[[Category:Official Mensa organizations]]

Revision as of 19:49, 7 January 2008

Mensa International is the global entity of Mensa, descended from the original club that was founded in England in 1946. A constitutional reform in 1981 resulted in the structure now in use, with some minor modifications due to a constitution rewrite approved in 2005. In a technically legalistic sense, there are two distinct entities: Mensa International Ltd., a corporation chartered in the United Kingdom governed by its articles of corporation and having the members of the International Board of Directors (IBD) as its sole members, and the Executive Committee as its board of directors; and an unincorporated association named Mensa which is governed by the Constitution of Mensa and has as its members the various national Mensa associations and Direct international members who live in countries without a national Mensa. The corporate entity Mensa International Ltd. (MIL) holds the assets of Mensa International, but the IBD elections are conducted by the unincorporated association. Proposals to change this confusing structure are sometimes made, but none has gone forward to this date.

A major function of Mensa International is to approve the official status of national Mensa organizations in different countries. These organizations go through a series of stages from "Emerging Mensa" to "Provisional National Mensa" before being fully accredited as a "National Mensa". National Mensas have nearly complete autonomy within their countries, and can set the level of dues as they wish, with a percentage sent to Mensa International. There has sometimes been conflict between national Mensas regarding licensing deals, such as for books or other merchandise, when the licensees proceed to sell merchandise using the Mensa name and logo in different countries. American and British Mensa have had such conflicts, which have resulted in litigation. As a result, Mensa International is playing a greater role now in negotiating such licensing and defining its terms.

National Mensas

American Mensa, Mensa Argentina, Mensa Australia, Mensa Austria, Mensa Brazil, Mensa Belgium, British Mensa (UK, Ireland, Channel Islands), Mensa Bulgaria, Mensa Canada, Mensa Colombia, Mensa Croatia, Mensa Czech Republic, Mensa Denmark, Mensa Finland, Mensa France, Mensa Germany, Mensa Greece, Mensa Hong Kong, Mensa Hungary, Mensa Iceland, Mensa India, Mensa Israel, Mensa Italy, Mensa Japan, Mensa Korea, Mensa Luxembourg, Mensa Macedonia, Mensa Malaysia, Mensa Netherlands, Mensa New Zealand, Mensa Norway, Mensa Pakistan, Mensa Philippines, Mensa Poland, Mensa Romania, Mensa Serbia & Montenegro, Mensa Singapore, Mensa Slovakia, Mensa Slovenia, Mensa South Africa, Mensa Spain, Mensa Sweden, Mensa Switzerland.

External link

北京自动门 房产纠纷 电缆桥架 电脑回收 有机玻璃制品 陪练 会员卡 机打发票 包装公司 北京货架 礼品盒 再生塑料颗粒机 工商注册 小升初 代开发票 Dell服务器 北京物流 北京家具公司 电缆桥架 碎纸机 贵宾卡 展览公司 不干胶 北京装修公司 展柜 IBM服务器 代开发票 [1] 圣诞树 亚克力 劳保用品 电抗器 五粮液酒 房产律师 北京搬家 kvm