John Bryant

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John Bryant (born 1943 in Washington, DC), also known as "The Birdman", is a Mensan who is a self-proclaimed philosopher. He has attempted with limited success to publish his articles in various places inside and outside Mensa, and founded his own web site to give his opinions about a wide range of subjects, which has brought him fame and abuse. A subject on which his opinions generate controversy is race, and in particular his views on the Jewish people (which he regards as a "race"). He is accused of being a racist. Some self-published books available on his Web site take positions on a range of subjects.

Background and Education

John Bryant was raised in Arlington, Virginia and Tennessee. His father was an economist. He did four years in Columbia Military Academy then got a BA in maths at Antioch College in 1968 and worked on philosophical questions.

Political Views

Bryant is strongly opposed to feminism and communism, and has theories regarding who is responsible for them and why, which some term "conspiracy theories".

He finds libertarianism to be an atractive idea, but is not a member of the Libertarian Party. He takes the position that Lord Acton was right. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

The Web Site

His Web site is[1]. It has a strongly Libertarian perspective and deals extensively with Liberals (referring to American left-liberals) and with Jews. The Jews have a separate section entitled "The Jewish Question" devoted to them. It is essentially a critique of what Bryant terms Zionist political, subversive and military operations, and Bryant maintains that it is not a criticism of Jews per se, who are often talented and do worthwhile things. The web site claims that Jews have been active in inciting feminism, communism, Zionism, civil rights and other movements in order to subvert Western civilization. One particular essay The Case Against the Jews -- A Documented Critique of Contemporary and Recent Historical Jewish Behavior [2] gives the sources and builds on them in its attempt to make a case.


Bryant has been the subject of much criticism. He has been termed "racist" and "anti-semitic", and his spreading of his opinion essays via e-mail has been termed "spamming". He claims to welcome well-reasoned criticism.
