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* [https://www.facebook.com/events/1502202089993982/ Facebook event]
* [https://www.facebook.com/events/1502202089993982/ Facebook event]
* [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=The+Galt+House+Louisville&sll=40.280311,-74.781704&sspn=0.09154,0.144367&ie=UTF8&hq=The+Galt+House&hnear=Louisville,+Jefferson,+Kentucky&ll=38.262109,-85.761251&spn=0.047108,0.072184&z=14&iwloc=A Location on Google Maps]
* [http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=The+Galt+House+Louisville&sll=40.280311,-74.781704&sspn=0.09154,0.144367&ie=UTF8&hq=The+Galt+House&hnear=Louisville,+Jefferson,+Kentucky&ll=38.262109,-85.761251&spn=0.047108,0.072184&z=14&iwloc=A Location on Google Maps]
* [http://www.us.mensa.org/newsissue?id=14325 Review of AG in ''Palmensan'', August 2015] (Editorial, p. 2; requires American Mensa member login)
== Official reports ==
== Official reports ==
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(require American Mensa member login)
(require American Mensa member login)
* [http://www.us.mensa.org/AML/?LinkServID=ECB6C2BD-E35E-D520-7FF5145152348936&type=mrep&name=2015-07-02\Agenda\2015-07-02ABMAgenda.pdf ABM agenda]
* [http://www.us.mensa.org/AML/?LinkServID=ECB6C2BD-E35E-D520-7FF5145152348936&type=mrep&name=2015-07-02\Agenda\2015-07-02ABMAgenda.pdf ABM agenda]
* [http://www.us.mensa.org/AML/?LinkServID=ECB6C2BD-E35E-D520-7FF5145152348936&type=mrep&name=2015-07-02\Agenda\2015-07-02Agenda.pdf AMC agenda]
* [http://www.us.mensa.org/AML/?LinkServID=ECB6C2BD-E35E-D520-7FF5145152348936&type=mrep&name=2015-07-02\Agenda\2015-07-02AMCAgenda.pdf AMC agenda]
* [http://www.us.mensa.org/AML/?LinkServID=ECB6C2BD-E35E-D520-7FF5145152348936&type=mrep&name=2015-07-02\Agenda\2015-07-02MiniMinutes.pdf AMC Mini Minutes]
* [http://www.us.mensa.org/AML/?LinkServID=ECB6C2BD-E35E-D520-7FF5145152348936&type=mrep&name=2015-07-02\Agenda\2015-07-02MiniMinutes.pdf AMC Mini Minutes]
* [http://www.us.mensa.org/AML/?LinkServID=ECB6C2BD-E35E-D520-7FF5145152348936&type=mrep&name=2015-07-02\Agenda\2015-07-02Minutes.pdf AMC minutes]

Latest revision as of 20:10, 15 September 2015

Program book cover

The 2015 Annual Gathering of American Mensa, Unbridled Spirit, was held from July 1-5, 2015 in Louisville, Kentucky, the site of the 1973 and 1981 AGs. As with those earlier gatherings, the Galt House was again the venue. Marc Lederman and Mary Lee Kemper were the chairs.

Registration and hotel fees

Registration for the 2015 AG was $120 for members and $130 for others by 7/31/2014, $135 for members and $145 for others by 12/31/2014, $150 for members and $165 for others by 3/31/2015, $165 for members and $175 for others by 6/15/2015, and $180 for members and $190 for others on-site. The per-day rate was $68. Young Mensans were free up to age 3, $65 for ages 4 to 12, $95 for ages 13 to 20, or $55 per day. The hotel room rates are $125 - $155.

External links

Official reports

(require American Mensa member login)

Meeting reports

(require American Mensa member login)

Preceded by:
2014: Boston
Annual Gathering of American Mensa
Succeeded by:
2016: San Diego